Politicians, historians, sociologists have always propagated the fact that “youth” can fight corruption. I beg to disagree… youth cannot fight corruption; it must begin with you and me irrespective of age. An analysis of corruption would lead us to the biggest devil that is the root cause… Money.
The need feeds the greed! Imagine a world without money! A world so free that we would not need lockers, locks, gates … everything would be free in the true sense.
I know this sounds ridiculous, unrealistic and crazy! I have been a victim and I have seen many who have gone through the pains. As I was contemplating a conscious choice to fight back, an IDEA struck me! An idea that can change the world, it is not the mobile company that I am promoting here...What if there was no money at all??
What if we changed to a paperless, card-less world?
Yes, it is possible...Every human being is blessed with uniqueness, a unique thumb print!
Yes friends, the thumb print, our tool, the one that can and will be our change agent!
I know the thumb has been associated with illiteracy and ignorance... but today I will give you the mantra for eradicating corruption.
But before we move on... what about those who do not have hands! Sorry, this will not work for all it is difficult... let us look at an alternate solution. Recently I read an article about expected improvements in molecular manufacturing, a.k.a. nanotechnology. Many people believe that we're going to see an end to scarcity in the next few decades because of technologies like these. So if that occurs, will we still need currency? Or will it be like Star Trek, where people spend their lives trying to improve themselves and everything they need is provided free. I like to be optimistic and think that this would be possible.
I know that my interest in money is limited to it satisfying my needs and wants :). If I could have anything I wanted, why would I want money? I don't know if everyone feels the same.
Millions see life as earning *just* enough money to make ends meet. Animals, birds, and insects, all living beings other than human beings survive and enjoy without money! Would it not be interesting if we too could enjoy a truly free world? Prior to civilisation, man survived without money. Man was happy to be carefree and enjoy the serenity
Way back in the sixties the hippie movement thought they had the answer to a free life by living in groups or communes. Sadly, they took freedom to a different level, drugs, addiction, sex, their lifestyle ended up being a disaster. But the good part is that they managed to survive for some time. If they had a purpose their communal life would have been successful, it would have flowered and grown. This would have given us new insights on healthy community living.
Have you heard of Methernitha?For those who are unaware, this is a small village in the beautiful mountains of Switzerland lies Linden, a small, calm place surrounded by dozens of peaceful little villages. This village group has an interesting story that goes back a long time. Paul Baumann, its founder, decided to form a community with likeminded people who wanted to live their lives based on principles. Thus was born the Methernitha Alliance, the group started to live and work together as a social community, free from outside influences — and money. The people of Methernitha are happy doing constructive work focussed towards a common goal. They have shown us that an orderly life can work without depending on currency or money, and the related problems it brings.
Believe it or not! In spite of not being organized like a club, without a "guru," and without subscription fees. They live on their own, and look after their own affairs.
The inhabitants — about 120, including children — have their own free opinion and philosophy, and have their personal freedom and freedom of action which they never impose on others.
On a positive note, one has to take into account that their supporters will be looked after in old age and, if necessary, be provided with medical care and social welfare until death.
Methernitha is a true social model, proving that the quality of its ideals through having functioned so well for just over forty years. In the sixties the Hippies failed but Methernitha is a success!
They have even come up with an innovation, the TESTATIKA machine! A machine that generates energy from the freely available sources! This machine is not available for sale or barter! Remember no money! No worry!
• Do you want to enjoy life like the Methernitha group?
• Would you enjoy life without money?
• Are you willing to work towards a common goal?I don’t need all the answers right now! We know change cannot happen overnight... It needs a vision and a strong will power! If the hippies can do it! If the Methernithians can do it! We too can do it!
Let us begin with baby steps... stop using money as an excuse, let us bring in change. As a tea company propagates! Wake up! Let us join hands towards CFI – Corruption Free India...