Pay it forward

The "pay it forward" tree Trevor McKinney, an 11 year old in Las Vegas, was given a class project by his social studies teacher Eugene Simonet. Eugene was a loner and was different; he had burn scars on his face and neck. The project – he had to come up with a plan that would change the world through direct action. Do you think it is possible for one idea to change the world? When Abhishek Bachchan mouthed the words “An idea can change your life”, for a mobile ad, he was not referring to what I am about to share with you. On his way home from school, Trevor notices a homeless man, and decides to make a difference to his life. He comes up with the plan to "pay it forward" by doing a good deed for three people who must in turn each do good deeds for three other people, thus creating a charitable pyramid scheme. He takes the man home, much to the displeasure of his mother, Arlene. Trevor developed his logic based on a simple concept. When someone does you a favour...